National Guard, Air Force, working to resolve impasse over space units

Updated Feb. 9 with new information on the number of Air Guard units supporting the Space Force
WASHINGTON — The chief of the National Guard Bureau, Gen. Daniel Hokanson, is in discussions with Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall to examine potential options concerning the future of approximately 1,000 members of the Air National Guard who support Space Force operations  in seven states.
Hokanson told reporters Feb. 8 that these options will inform the next round of congressional debate over whether the Space Force should have its own force of part-time troops to back up the new service, akin to the structure of the Air and Army National Guard.
The 2024 defense authorization bill directs the secretary of defense to submit a study to congressional committees in March laying out options.
The Biden administration opposes the establishment of a Space National Guard due to the cost, instead offering to shift those Guard space units into the active-duty Space Force. ...

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