NASA team to study new roles for the agency in addressing orbital debris

WASHINGTON — NASA has established a working group to examine what new roles the agency can take to mitigate the growth of orbital debris and promote space sustainability.
In a talk at the Secure World Foundation’s Summit for Space Sustainability June 23, Bhavya Lal, senior adviser to the NASA administrator for budget and finance, said she is leading a recently established team that will examine how the agency could take a larger role in efforts to mitigate and remediate orbital debris.
“We’ve assembled an orbital debris review team in-house to evaluate how NASA can be a more effective leader in the area of space sustainability,” she said. “Our goal is to examine how NASA could be a better leader in space sustainability.”
NASA’s efforts in orbital debris research, she said, have focused primarily on protecting the agency’s own missions, from the International Space Station to robotic spacecraft. “We are looking in this review team on things that NAS...

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